HWM Aston Martin - Workshop, parts store and offices refurbishment - Walton on Thames, Surrey

Following the successful completion of the new
showroom at New Zealand Avenue, Walton on Thames, Surrey,
Gifford Grant was commissioned to design and implement the creation of a completely new workshop to Aston Martin’s specifications with service reception and offices, enabling the servicing and technical staff to rejoin the main building from another site.
(click the images to view full size)
Shortly after commencement on site the client took the decision to take advantage of the height of the existing workshop to insert a
mezzanine floor and create a new enlarged parts store to serve its world wide Aston Martin parts operation, serving heritage models and new cars. Administration offices, a meeting room and comms room were also added.
Considerable structural work was involved including underpinning existing walls and foundations and designing the steel superstructure of the parts area to impinge as little as possible on the vehicle lifts and other equipment in the workshop below.
Creative input from
Gifford Grant’s own building regulations specialists enabled the omission of one complete staircase in order to create additional space in the workshop area.
Aston Martin approved finishes for the floor and walls of the workshop, and a fully branded Aston Martin service reception also formed part of the project.
HWM Aston Martin showroom or
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"We were delighted to work with Gifford Grant on this project. We needed to implement a fixed design template within a legacy structure and that task was a challenge. We also wanted to bring in modern services, including air conditioning, in a discreet way. All that needed to be done in the context of appropriate (but nevertheless burdensome) statutory obligations. Gifford Grant's expertise tied these conflicting elements together and allowed us to concentrate on what we do best. They brought us a showroom to be proud of and the working environment my team deserves."
HWM Aston Martin, Walton on Thames, Surrey